Featured Artists

sava saheli singh

sava is a postdoctoral fellow with the Surveillance Studies Centre at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. she is currently working on a knowledge translation project for the Big Data Surveillance research project, which involves producing three near-future fiction short films based on research and current issues around the effects of big data surveillance on society. she completed her PhD in 2017 from New York University’s Educational Communication and Technology program. her dissertation, titled “Academic Twitter: Pushing the Boundaries of Traditional Scholarship”, addresses how 21st century academics negotiate their professional identities as a complex form of emotional, intellectual, and academic labor and the ways in which this helps and hinders their academic and personal lives. her current research interests include educational surveillance; digital labour and surveillance capitalism; and critically examining the effects of technology and techno-utopianism on society.

Chris Gilliard

Chris Gilliard has a PhD from Purdue University’s Rhetoric and Composition Program and currently teach at Macomb Community College. His early work focused on the ways that narratives about black athletes constructed blackness along a narrow and limiting spectrum. Gilliard shifted that focus a bit, and for the last several years his scholarship has concentrated on privacy, institutional tech policy, digital redlining, and the re-inventions of discriminatory practices through data mining and algorithmic decision-making, especially as these apply to college students. He is currently developing a project that looks at how popular misunderstandings of mathematical concepts create the illusions of fairness and objectivity in student analytics, predictive policing, and hiring practices.

Ryan Seslow

Ryan Seslow is an artist, graphic designer and a professor of art, design & communication technology living and working in New York. As a visual artist Seslow is often found working with a synthesis of traditional applied arts synthesized with electronic, digital and new media techniques. Seslow show his work frequently both on and off the web. He shares a lot of his current projects, exhibitions and collaborations on his website. Seslow is the curator of Concrete to Data & the Co-Curator of Encrypted Fills & Animating Transit. Seslow continues to curate a few projects each year and share those exhibitions on the web as well. As a professor of art, design & communication technology Seslow teaches various hybrid studio art, digital art, graphic design, new media & digital storytelling courses for graduate and undergraduate level programs simultaneously in NYC. He teaches simultaneously between CUNY York College & the Borough of Manhattan Community College, LIU Post & Iona College.

Martin Hawksey

By day Martin is Chief Innovation, Community and Technology Officer for the Association for Learning Technology, by night he is ‘EdTech Explorer’ fearlessly investigating new and emerging technology, constantly on the vigel for new opportunities and threats. His tools are often innocuous, Google Sheets and Apps Script, but don’t be fooled, this boy has got some moves. Want to store data from Twitter in Google Sheets, with his sidekick TAGS he’s got that covered. You can follow the EdTech Explorer on his adventures at MASHe.

Amy Collier

Amy is the Associate Provost for Digital Learning at Middlebury College, where she leads Middlebury’s strategic vision for digital learning and oversees a group (DLINQ) that works with faculty, staff, and students to explore and question the roles digital technologies play in education. Amy completed her PhD in 2008, studying the narratives of “third culture kids,” and then worked as the director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Texas Wesleyan University and the director of digital learning initiatives at Stanford University. Amy writes and researches about complexity in higher education and the tendency for technologies to decomplexify learning. She also leads an Information Environmentalism initiative at Middlebury, which aims to understand pollution in digital environments and work with students to de-pollute those spaces. She blogs very infrequently at http://redpincushion.us/blog/