Day One

Free Time/ Break



Learning Tools

Data Ownership

Indie Web

Containers & the Cloud

Privacy & Surveillance


Monday, June 10

Main Gallery, Gallery 2

This hour is reserved for setting up art installations before the conference begins and is only pertinent to the folks with accepted art installation proposals.

Main Gallery, Gallery 2

Come say hi! Grab your nametag, find a seat, and mingle with other attendees before we get started. Coffee, tea, and light breakfast pastries will be offered.

Main Gallery

Welcome to #DOMAINS19!

Main Gallery
Chris Guilliard & sava saheli singh

A common (yet searingly accurate) lament is that so much of our current tech and visions of the future are based on the limited imaginations of the small segment of the population that fits within Silicon Valley’s ideal of “innovation.” Thus we are often burdened with tech (and ed-tech) that suits the vision and needs of people who are overwhelmingly white and male. As we live the consequences of this vision, it’s worthwhile to think about Black and Brown visions of “the future” to inform how we might move forward in a way that looks decidedly different from our current path. This keynote aims to complicate current ways of thinking about privacy, security, accessibility, and ownership, drawing on Afrofuturism and 80’s funk to imagine ways of operating outside of our current paradigm of surveillance capitalism.

More information can be found here.

Main Gallery, Gallery 3

The Art Fair Showcase will be a large, open space that encourages interaction and the co-mingling of ideas across institutions in order to get a broader sense of the vast landscape of innovation and technology happening using domains.

Participating universities will set up art installations, but this is not a poster session; rather it is intended to be a fun, loud, colorful, and interactive morning session not unlike a Record Fair in which students, faculty, and administrators can engage participants in digital demonstrations of projects happening on their respective campuses.

Gallery Four

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speaker: Ed Nagelhout

Students travel through the digital world leaving a variety of footprints, impressions, and artifacts; likewise, students travel through their academic programs leaving a variety of footprints, impressions, and artifacts: and yet, it is unusual for students to consider their digital lives, or their learning lives, holistically. For our short presentation, we will describe a version of an anchor project that might serve as a series of touchstones for students as they come to understand their learning, their majors, and their Domains in more sophisticated ways.
Our presentation begins by defining our Domains progress at UNLV, our goals for large-scale Domains use, and the ways that an anchor project can serve to enhance student learning and support more effective teaching across all majors on our campus. We will then offer an example of a narrative-driven digital tour project in a particular major that spans UNLV’s general education requirements: First-Year Experience (introduction to the university), Milestone Experience (introduction to the major), and Culminating Experience (reflection on the major experience). We conclude with potential short- and long-term benefits, as well as potential obstacles for an initiative like this one.

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Tom Woodward

You want to make artisanal sausages but people are in love with hot dogs.

Giving a nitrate-free duck and armagnac sausage to someone who wanted Oscar Mayer is recipe for unhappiness on both sides.

Recalibrate. Figure out who is never going to want anything but hot dogs. Give them hot dogs. Look at ways to elevate the palate of those who might want better down the road. Find sources of inspiration to keep your own palate growing alongside your skills.

Gallery Five

Presentation Recording

Speakers: Michael Greene

Providing a next generation learning technology ecosystem doesn’t have to require massive budgets, rollouts, or sunsets. We’ll discuss three strategies Duke has leveraged and how they can be applied alongside other large NGDLE efforts or as standalone initiatives.

  • Collate details on why an app is in use, how others use it, and details on where someone can get support in an App Store. This provides faculty a path to select tech that’s driven by their learning goals.
  • Put people and what those people want to accomplish with tech at the center of your strategy and execution instead of a tech platform (LMS) itself. This means IT builds and maintains very little functionality compared to a LMS or ERP and leverages the apps in your ecosystem instead.
  • Embrace the apps that people actually use that you can integrate but not support. This means users get to use the stuff they were going to anyway while reducing institutional risk and leaving the burden of support with the vendor or user. It’s not perfect, but it is better.

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Erland Stevens

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide a scalable means for distributing educational content, but the underlying learning management systems for most MOOCs lack features that foster peer-to-peer interactions. In a drug discovery MOOC offered by Davidson, we needed a means for students both to share molecular structures and to provide feedback on one another’s molecules. Attempts to manage this activity through the discussion board were unsatisfactory. Moving the activity to a WordPress site with a suitable plug-in on a DoOO both simplified management and enriched student interactions.

Gallery Six

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Ilya Kreymer

This talk will present innovative uses of Docker containers, emulators and web archives to allow anyone to experience old web sites using old web browsers, as demonstrated by the Webrecorder and projects. Combining containerization with emulation can provide new techniques in preserving both scholarly and artistic interactive works, and enable obsolete technologies like Flash and Java applets to be accessible today and in the future. The talk will briefly cover the technology and how it can be deployed both locally and in the cloud. Latest research in this area, such as automated preservation of education publishing platforms like Scalar will also be presented. The presentation will include live demos and users will also be invited to try the latest version of and interact with old browsers directly in their browser. The Q&A will help serve to foster a discussion on the potential opportunities and challenges of containerization technology in ‘future-proofing’ interactive web content and software.

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speakers: Jess Reingold, Jenn Hill, Katie Hartraft

The noise of typing filled the small classroom. Domain Fellows, student ambassadors for the Domain of One’s Own program, sat quietly working on their independent projects. It is these students who show their classmates that their domains can be more than academic websites. Their websites can be spaces for expression of their art, music, and other intrinsically motivated areas of interest. The silence is broken by discussion of the upcoming Domain Days. The students excitedly pondered about how to paint the school’s Spirit Rock, how to set up the booth, and most importantly who should be the Domainosaur. Yes, the Domainosaur, the official mascot of the Domain Fellows and Domain of One’s Own at the University of Mary Washington.

Gallery 1, Main Gallery

Food will be provided in buffet style in Gallery 1, and attendees may eat in the Main Gallery.

A Model Employee, Tim Maughan, sava saheli singh (15 min)

In A Model Employee, to keep her day job at a local restaurant, an aspiring DJ has to wear a tracking wristband. As it tracks her life outside of work, she tries to fool the system, but a new device upgrade means trouble.

Film available for viewing here.

Gallery Four

Presentation Recording

Speakers: Daniel Lynds, Sundi Richard, Brian Little, 2-3 students

As part of the Technology & Innovation division on campus, the Instructional Design team critically engages the Davidson College community in how we use our Davidson Domains spaces and how we can engage in both public and private spaces. Whether a poet, a biologist, or a cheerleader, we need to save you(r data).

Our college uses Domains extensively in very diverse ways and we continue to grow in how students, faculty, and staff share their work, hobbies, and oddities. It is a complex ecosystem of projects, but we approach them all with the first question: Is everyone okay with sharing this publicly?

From this first question we move to complicated setups that consider ethical, professional, technical, and aesthetic conversations. During our panel we will move between best practices and more complicated processes. We will get down to the nitty gritty of how frustratingly amazing brilliant people can be, yet how they seem overly open/closed to their concepts of privacy/surveillance. Nothing is binary in this context and we will engage our audience in polls to see how their environments vary.

Working collaboratively between Technology & Innovation, the Centre for Teaching and Learning, the Library, and several other departments, we will talk about our efforts to highlight the importance of data ownership, stewardship, and agency while implementing our Davidson Domains initiatives. Showcasing many projects, we will outline what value is added when casting a wide net. Sometimes low input, high impact projects can really gain trust. Sometimes a tiny project can light a fire. Our work proves this.

Our team will detail how we consult with our community with a focus on the ethics of our choices and how we include as many student voices as possible in this process. Having digital fellows (paid positions for recent graduates) as part of the conversation gives us a lifeline to a more holistic approach of understanding data concerns and innovations. Our fellows lead many vital conversations and are afforded “seats at the table” that give them voices that in most places they do not have. This is vital to who we are becoming – hearing all of the voices around Domains is helping us shape spaces closer to the ground. We also have many media consultants (first year to senior student workers) to help us gain insight into where and how to make decisions that can be far reaching.

After going over an engaging environmental scan, we will open the floor to a discussion where we will (hopefully) find mentors and mentees and other random participants with whom we can engage and start collaborative relationships with. Whether a poet, a biologist, or a cheerleader, we need to save you(r data).

Video Link

Gallery Five

Presentation Recording

Speakers: Ben Hommerding, Krissy Lukens, Cassie Nooyen

Learn how the folks at St. Norbert College got off the ground running with their Domains project by building a support structure for students ahead of time, cultivating faculty partnerships in key program areas, and mapping the work of Digital Pedagogy and Digital Citizenship to their institutions strategic plan.

Gallery Six

Presentation Recording

Speakers: John Stewart, Keegan Long-Wheeler

Hubris comes in many forms from stealing fire for humankind, to creating life, or setting up a course blog for the largest class on campus. Without thinking about how exactly I would support it, I convinced a professor who teaches 1,200 students in a single class to set up a course blog. It would have taken an entire server to provide each of the students with a cPanel of their own, and a single WordPress course blog would crash under its own weight.

Like Frankenstein, I retreated from society into a laboratory where I studied the arcane works of the Domains Community, learning from masters of the dark arts like Tom Woodward, Alan Levine, and Keegan Long-Wheeler. When I emerged several months later, I had assembled a monstrous CMS.

In this talk, I will take you into the lab and show you how to build your own headless hodge podge. With the exuberance and misplaced trust of Marty Feldman’s Igor, Keegan will help us bring to life an army of monster’s to take back to our homes. By the end of this session, you will have the information and the tools needed to immediately start blogging with 1200 people.

Gallery Four

Discussion Recording

Speakers: Tim Maughan, sava saheli singh

In A Model Employee, to keep her day job at a local restaurant, an aspiring DJ has to wear a tracking wristband. As it tracks her life outside of work, she tries to fool the system, but a new device upgrade means trouble.

Video Link

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speaker: Tim Clarke

This talk builds upon the outstanding presentation: Just a Community Organizer: Visualizing Community for Domain of One’s Own by Marie Selvanadin, Tom Woodward, & Yianna Vovides given at Domains ’17. Another approach to building a Domains community site will be shown. There will be a quick overview of the technologies used to build Muhlenberg College’s community site (JSON, Isotope.js, Puppeteer). Some of the lesser-used features of cPanel (Cron Jobs, directory privacy, phpMyAdmin) will also be briefly discussed.

We’ll also talk a bit about member opt-in/opt-out strategies for community sites, and how to keep community sites current.

Instructions and code for building your own local Domains community portal will be shared, including screencasts for setting everything up (available on VHS or Betamax).

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Laurie Hurson

A team of educational technologists, graduate students, and faculty have been thinking through how to implement a Domains project at The Graduate Center, CUNY. A DoOO at project for graduate students offers open alternatives to the proprietary data management systems offered at CUNY, and could contribute to a broader cultural shift at our university. Graduate students are unique within the 25-campus CUNY ecosystem, often balancing roles as faculty, students, and staff. Since they have much longer and in-depth tenures within the university system, graduate students would benefit from having an established, personal, online space to save, share, and retain ownership of the work that they produce during graduate school. Moreover, developing the digital literacy to manage their own data and cultivating their digital identity may provide opportunities to carry these lessons over through their multiple roles within the university. As a collaboration between the Teaching and Learning Center and the GC Digital Initiatives, seven CUNY graduate students participated in a semester-long Focused Inquiry Group to explore the possibilities and obstacles of starting a DoOO project at The Graduate Center. The group explored cPanel to determine which functions and applications might be most supportive of graduate research, teaching, and scholarship. They also considered how training and support for DoOO might be integrated into PhD coursework, courses in the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy certificate program, and the Masters in Digital Humanities curricula. They also thought through how a DoOO project might integrate and connect with the CUNY Academic Commons, a well-established open source platform at the Graduate Center. My presentation will provide an overview of the focus group project and share possible entry points and important considerations for a DoOO project at The Graduate Center, CUNY. I will discuss the group’s vision for integrating DoOO account provision and training into existing programming and platforms at the Grad Center, and highlight how this process would allow new users to develop skills while also making clear connections between the digital affordances of Reclaim and cPanel and their own research and scholarship. I will also discuss the possibilities for student-run tech support and governance to cultivate a sense of digital ownership, establish practices for students’ management of their intellectual property, and cultivate a community of support, respect, and professional growth for graduate students at CUNY.

Gallery Five

Presentation Recording

Speakers: Autumm Caines, Erin Rose Glass

The growing use of digital tools for education has triggered new concerns about the importance and feasibility of protecting student privacy. As is well known, digital tools collect, store, expose, and sometimes even profit off of student data in ways whose ethical and practical implications are often not fully considered or understood. Student privacy, however, is not a new or unique concern: it has been protected since the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and intersects with growing concerns about protecting general user privacy in a tech industry motivated by surveillance capitalism (Zuboff 2019). How those different understandings of privacy come into play in today’s classroom, and whether they provide a strong enough framework for protecting student privacy, has not yet been fully explored. This interactive panel will explore the different significances and stakes of student privacy in the age of surveillance capitalism, and consider the affordances and limits of different technological, institutional, and pedagogical responses. Our panel will start with a presentation on the different understandings of “student privacy,” followed by two brief motivating talks: Autumm will focus on digital literacy toward student data ownership through critical engagement with projects such as Domain of One’s Own. Erin will offer a short analysis of the limitations of FERPA, especially with respect to Google products, and infrastructural protocols that make certain types of privacy protection very difficult even when using open source alternatives. The session will conclude with a collaborative writing session for creating text that can be copy/pasted onto syllabuses that raises student awareness about the complex issues related to their privacy when using digital tools.

Gallery Six

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Andrew Millington

Adopting new learning tools in any institution is a difficult task. Staff and students can be resistant to change and be hesitant to adopt new, unfamiliar workflows. As developers, it is our responsibility to make the adoption of new learning tools as easy as possible, so that the benefits of new systems are immediately apparent, and the barriers to entry are hardly noticed.

At the University of Edinburgh, we are using the Learning Tools Interoperability standard to ease the adoption of new, external learning tools that help enhance our Learning Management Systems (LMS). LTI allows us to easily pass user information between the LMS and an external tool, reducing the barriers that can often hinder the adoption of new learning tools.

In this presentation, we will examine why we have adopted the LTI standard and discuss how we have used it in our new WordPress based academic blogging service and computational notebooks service, Noteable.

Gallery 3, Main Gallery

Stand up and stretch your legs! Coffee, tea, and water will be provided in Gallery 3.

Gallery Four

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Jim Luke

Many schools are seeing the light about accessibility of web and digital resources in higher education but it’s creating a monster on campus. Accessibility is a complex thing. It’s not easy. It’s both legally mandated and it’s the right thing to do. But the sudden urgency to “be accessible” often results in a dreaded monster: THE ACCESSIBILITY INITIATIVE! The Accessibility Initiative has the potential to eat faculty time, disrupt all other initiatives, and discourage or frustrate everyone in its path.

Taming the accessibility challenge and making accessible the norm requires a lot of faculty and staff development. Unfortunately, much of the professional development offered is either high-level “accessibility is good thing” messaging or detailed, technical training (“click here to add alt-text in MS Word, but do something else in Adobe…”). While some of this technical training might be necessary, it doesn’t solve the real problems. It fixes old documents and sites. It doesn’t make the future accessible.

Fortunately, for domains schools there’s a superhero that can tame the accessibility monster: Digital Literacy Woman! (or man, but I thought it was time woman got top billing). The real problem behind accessibility is a lack of digital literacy among faculty, staff, and students. Most faculty are still using and thinking of the computer and even the Web implicitly as some kind of fancy typewriter where you don’t need the whiteout. Once they understand the basic, modern concepts behind the Web (and Word) accessibility becomes natural in the construction/authoring stage rather than a after-the-fact fix. Among these basic concepts are well-structured digital documents, semantic markup, and separation of content from style from delivery. What they need is less technical training and more professional education on digital literacy.

Digital literacy is a critical part of any domains or similar open learning program. Digital Literacy Woman is right there hiding in the WordPress dashboard, cPanel, and even MS Word if only we explain it and help them see it.

In this discussion, I’ll begin by sharing the experiences we’ve had at LCC. The Accessibility Initiative monster has reared its head in the past year or so, threatening to disrupt all other teaching initiatives. As our Center for Teaching Excellence (responsible for the faculty development) and our Open Learn Lab (DoOO) have struggled to tame the monster, we’ve learned a lot. In particular, we’ve learned the importance of framing accessibility as a digital literacy issue. I doubt that I’ve got it all figured out and that’s why we’ll follow this brief presentation with an open discussion. I hope you’ll come and share your experiences with accessibility. Together I hope we can summarize a list of lessons learned, tips, and things to avoid that can be shared with all the Domains schools (openly licensed and available, of course!). Together we can tame the monster and build digital literacy at the same time.

(BTW: I am not Digital Literacy Woman, I’m only her sidekick, Open Learn Boy).

Gallery Five

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speakers: Lora Taub-Pervizpour, Dr. Richard Niesenbaum, Dr. Tineke D’Haeseleer

Some of the most brilliant minds and voices connected with Domain of One’s Own hold Virginia Woolf central to our understanding of the project’s origins and aspirations. “As you all know, I’m sure,” Martha Burtis reminded the Domains 2017 crowd, “the title Domain of One’s own comes from a long essay published by Virginia Woolf in 1929.” The title of Martha’s 2017 keynote, “Neither locked in nor locked out,” also drew from that essay. A call to action of sorts, Audrey Watters’ essay, “The Web We Need to Give Students,” claims that Domains “enables students to build the contemporary version of what Virginia Woolf in 1929 famously demanded…the necessity of a personal place to write.” In “Whose Afraid of Domain of One’s Own,” Debra Schleef suggests that the connections between Woolf’s essay and Domains have not been substantively explored and sets out to begin that work by asking several critical questions, including: Should DoOO have an explicitly feminist voice? What other inequalities might DoOO address in terms of cultural capital, social justice, access? How is the connection between Woolf and DoOO central to the liberal arts enterprise?

In leading efforts to envision Domains at Muhlenberg College, we stand on the shoulders of these brilliant thinkers, trying in our own way to help colleagues and students grab hold the opportunities of a place on the web to think, write, and make. In this effort, it is helpful to keep in mind not only Woolf’s vision but also the words of an earlier writer, Emily Dickinson: “Imagination lights the slow fuse of possibility.” In this panel presentation, Dickinson’s framing will be helpful in describing the process of introducing and growing Domain of One’s Own at Muhlenberg. Some of the questions we address include: How do we engage faculty to imagine the possibilities of Domains within their teaching and scholarship? How do we keep alight the slow fuse of possibility amidst constraints of time and resources? What forms of collaboration with students build our understanding of DoOO practices that best enable learners to break with their taken-for-granted ways of working with the web? That is, to eschew the complacency that accommodates surveillance capitalism in favor of what the philosopher queen Maxine Greene describes as “a conscious endeavor to impose different orders upon experience,” (Greene, 2001. Variations on a Blue Guitar, p. 5)?

Now in its third full year, BergBuilds has grown from a dozen or so Domains in a pilot to over 750 student, staff, and faculty projects. The faculty participants on this panel will share some of the ways that they are encountering Domains in their scholarship and teaching, and opening to new kinds of possibilities in their roles as teachers and learners within the liberal arts.
Rich Niesenbaum, professor of biology and director of the sustainability studies program, will share how his work with Domains focuses on enhancing integrative learning and global perspectives in sustainability studies. Tineke D’Haeseleer, assistant professor of history and Asian studies, will share how she is introducing Domains as space for students to reflect, to integrate, and to curate a digital scholarly presence. Both faculty will speak to the ways that they are linking Domains to pedagogical formations that actively imagine and invent new possibilities for themselves and the students they teach.

Gallery Six

Presentation RecordingSlidesResources

Speaker: Jonathan Poritz

While there is a steady rumble of ominous news about difficulties with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, their underlying technology — called blockchains — is on something of a tear across venture capital firms, governments, and even institutions of higher education. It is not infrequently said that blockchains can transform education and that for a university to ignore this disruptive technology would be relegate itself to the dustbin of history. Articles in Inside Higher Ed promise to tell “What Every College Leader Should Know About Blockchain,” while Edsurge wonders “Blockchain Could Rewire Higher Ed. But Should It?”

This presentation will offer another interpretation of the whole idea of blockchains in higher education: that there is no there there [as Gertrude Stein said]. It would be better for educational institutions to wait until the current tsunami of hype dries up and blows away, rather than building programs of “blockchain education” and “putting transcripts on the blockchain,” as some enthusiasts have said is inevitable.

To argue for this view, we will discuss some of the cryptographic and other computer-scientific basics underlying blockchain technology — but in an entirely non-threatening, friendly way, using colorful images and interpretive dance rather than intimidating abstractions [well, maybe no dance…]. It’s possible that when the whole blockchain bubble pops, at least folks in higher ed will know a little more about these cool features of cryptography and security, which would be a surprisingly pleasant end to this story allowing instructors and students to have real control over their data and when, where, how, and with whom it is shared.

Main Gallery

After a brief explanation of the evening, feel free to stick around with other attendees and plan where you want to go eat! You can find our restaurant recommendations (all within close walking distance) here.

(Optional onwards)

Main Gallery

21c staff members have kindly offered to give attendees a tour of the gorgeous art installations around the hotel. If you’re interested in joining, please meet in the Main Gallery at 5 pm for the first tour. The tour will take roughly 20 min, and tours will be available until 6 pm.

Main Lobby, Chosen Restaurant

We suggest meeting with your dinner groups between 6:15 – 6:20 pm in the Lobby, and plan to arrive at your restaurant of choice by 6:30 pm.

Quarter Horse: Bar & Arcade (3 min walk)

Come hang out and play some arcade games! The entire venue is reserved for #Domains19 guests only, and all games will be free to play. Everyone will be wrist-banded, and attendees of all ages are welcome to attend, but make sure to bring your ID if you’d like a drink. Make sure to grab your drink ticket at the front door to enjoy 1 free drink courtesy of Domains19.  We’ll also offer snacks throughout the evening as well!

The full list of games at Quarter Horse can be found here.

Tweeting about the Domains conference? Make sure to use the #DOMAINS19 hashtag.