Day Two

Free Time/ Break



Learning Tools

Data Ownership

Indie Web

Containers & the Cloud

Privacy & Surveillance


Tuesday, June 11

Main Gallery, Gallery 2

Come say hi! Grab a cup of coffee & chat with other attendees before we get started.


Main Gallery
Martin Hawskey

Welcome to my world of good and bad, right and wrong, a neo-noir landscape where technology simultaneously creates possibilities to empower and reclaim part of the web, but also quickly reveals the extent of our data traces, the ease in which we can be surveilled, the dangers of walking through a world where ‘individual consent’ is replaced with ‘social consent’ where privacy has to asked for rather than assumed.

In this talk we’ll look at privacy and surveillance, data ownership and accessibility. As part of this we will cast a light on the shadowy world of face recognition, passive wifi tracking and more. As part of this we’ll look at issues such as personal rights as well as gender and racial bias. My plan is to ultimately make you all join #TeamLuddite – not against technology or inept at using it, not against “the future” but ready to interrogate the moral and ethical implications of the choices we make.

More information can be found here.

Main Gallery / Gallery 3

Quick 10 minute break to grab refreshments and set up for the morning’s presentations.

Gallery Four

Presentation RecordingSlides 

Speakers: Autumm Caines, Sundi Richard, Joe Murphy, Mo Pelzel, Krissy Lukens

There is much alignment between ethos of Domain of One’s Own, Indie Web, and the tenets of a liberal arts education. The open nature of the web lends itself to an intersection of local and global expressions of civic engagement and intercultural knowledge. Access to these expressions along with critical evaluation of societal impacts brings up issues of ethical reasoning and critical thinking. Combined with the changing nature of the web it seems there is a potential for all of this to set a stage for lifelong learning. Yet the liberal arts environment can still struggle with implementation of DoOO and Indie Web concepts because of a whole host of issues including getting buy-in for funding, supporting pedagogical approaches, and trusting students with public spaces. Though not all of us may be affiliated with Liberal Arts institutions many of us have core curriculums or departments that pull from these tenets. This session will facilitate a conversational round table discussion inviting teachers, designers, directors, technologists, scholars, and others who work with DoOO in the liberal arts at various levels to discuss various questions including but not limited to:

  • How do you see the approaches to DoOO and IndiWeb ideas align with liberal arts tenets in curricular as well as co-curricular uses? What uses are directly pedagogical and which may be inherited from student culture (or other cultures) on campus?
  • How does the idea of ownership, as advocated by DoOO, and the idea of independence around IndiWeb align or diverge with the liberal arts ethos in your mind or at your institution?
  • How important are the tenets of the liberal arts to your institution as a whole? Is your institution a liberal arts institution or are the liberal arts implements mostly at the department level or in general education? Do you see DoOO or IndieWeb having more or less success at the department level or at the whole institution level?
  • What struggles and/or advances do you have getting buy-in for DoOO and indie web at your institution from: faculty, upper administration, mid-level administration including Central IT; the library; pedagogy centers; assessment centers? Do these stakeholders recognize the alignment of the ethos of the liberal arts with these initiatives?

This is just a sampling of questions that will come secondary to organic conversational flow and audience participation. Though fifteen minutes will be set aside at the end of the panel for questions audience members will be encouraged to interact throughout the session.

Gallery Five

Presentation Recording

Speakers: Tom Woodward, Matthew D Roberts, Jeffrey Everhart

Gantt charts are convenient lies.

Design thinking is a marketing ploy created by 3M to drive demand for sticky notes.

Waterfall Agile Scrum Standups only result in ad campaigns for bespoke beard oils.

The most interesting projects are full of unknowns. You can’t plan it all out. You don’t know how many hours it will take. You don’t know if you have all the skills necessary to make it work. Your memorandum of understanding will not be enough.

Fling yourself into the abyss with a mixture of fear and elation.

We’ll break down four major projects that evolved and grew in unpredictable ways. We’ll focus on ups, downs and dispositional positions that enabled organic success in an KPI-driven environment.


Gallery Six

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Bryan Ollendyke

You see, I’m not a monster… I’m just ahead of the curve

Unbalance, unrest, and chaos can be brought with one simple act: Giving away everything. It’s a notion I explored in my MS thesis via open source; because, edtech systems are build on power. Power and control technology is largely codified through institutional history. Collapsing control, we can restore a greater order. I want to take you into the philosophy and madness that drives me and inspires the team behind HAXTheWeb.

#HAXTheWeb at its core is a new way of creating and remixing content. Think of it as a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) built for the future. When I say WYSIWYG, you probably think text. But when I search YouTube, responsively embed it and save in ~10 seconds, all without leaving HAX or seeing HTML; it becomes clear this is not normal. This is just one massive time saver among many and why people in IndieWeb and OER communities are getting excited. Because HAX doesn’t live in just one platform. HAX is a platform that is portable and embeddable in many platforms, with all materials produced able to work in any other platform on the web.

Technology needs to focus more on why and less on how, especially now that Web components is THE way to build the web going forward! That focus on the why positions my team as villains in the edTech / LMS world. Like complex villains though, we have a competing vision of the world which is largely seen as chaos. Through this talk I’ll force you to challenge one critical idea: Why do you need platforms to publish?

Chaos = Super Villain

“You said you were a man of your word”

“I’m only burning my half. All you care about is money.. This town deserves a better class of criminal, and I’m going to give it to them..”

The establishment understands money. They won’t pursue what is best for education unless it prints green. There’s a lot of great things that have come out of this pure capitalist approach to edtech but rampant complacency via oligopolies has ensued. We must shake up the industry by pulling ourselves up through decentralization; otherwise, we’ll never see the change needed. HAX is distributed, decentralizes power, is flexible, portable, slick, fast, the best of HTML without knowing it, future proof, and.. free. “I’m only burning my half” in order to establish a new market place that serves us, not the other way around.

I once had strings, but now I’m free

HAX can be used in HAXcms, Drupal (6, 7, 8), BackdropCMS, GravCMS, and WordPress; today. All capabilities in all places. Content produced in HAX, no longer requires HAX to render afterwards.

What happens to our towers when their functionality provides equal Authoring Experiences (AX)?

What happens to Gutenberg (a WordPress only editor that is terrible for OER / open web) when we improve the AX of ALL solutions?

We will set you free.

Gallery Four

Presentation RecordingSlides/Resources

Speaker: Laura Gibbs

If you can type, you can create a javascript with! This is a free browser-based tool created by a University of Oklahoma student at the dawn of time, i.e. the year 2003 — and it’s still going strong (thank you, Randy Hoyt!).

How it works: you type content into an HTML table with as many rows as you want (as few as two, or hundreds of rows). The content of each row can be any kind of HTML code: text, images, iframe-embedded content (like video, or whole webpages), or even other javascripts. You then upload the HTML table to which converts the content into a javascript that “rotates the content” either at random or based on dates you have supplied (“video of the day” or “image of the week,” etc.). The date-based content can be for a specific year, or it can be for a perpetual calendar that repeats year after year. You download the javascript, upload it to your own webspace (thank you, Reclaim Hosting!), and you can then use that script anywhere javascript is accepted: blog posts, blog sidebars, webpages, or even in an LMS like Canvas. If/when you update the script, the updated content appears everywhere.

Even better: others can use your script too! Just share the script address with them and they can use the script to display your content in their own webpages, blogs, etc.

And if you prepare an iframe version of the script which you host in your webspace, then people can use your script even in environments that do not accept javascript. That’s how people can use your javascript-delivered content in Canvas LMS for example, or in other webspaces where iframe is allowed but javascripts are not.

My goals for the presentation:

• Show examples of random and date-based scripts delivering text, images, video, and also other javascripts in blogs, webpages, and in Canvas LMS.

• Guide people through the process of creating a javascript: you can make a Magic-8-Ball script in just a few minutes, or whatever randomized content tool you are inspired to create.

• Tour my Canvas Widget Warehouse where I’m hosting scripts for people to use in Canvas LMS or any situation where iframe is allowed, but javascript is not.

• Explore the power of random content for sharing massive quantities of digital stuff and also for promoting student engagement in online course spaces.

• Brainstorm about how an enterprising genius person who knows how to code (that is not me!) could build an even more streamlined version of this tool for the modern era, perhaps even hosting the javascript content and iframe version for those teachers out there who do not have their own webspace.

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speaker: Zach Whalen

For the past 15 years, I’ve included blog assignments in my classes as a default, routine, and generally low-stakes assignment. It began with a simple journal where students kept track of their progress through a video game, and through the years, the assignment has ranged from similarly simple logs or progress reports to the more ornate and decorous “features articles” where students seek to emulate magazine writing and engage with a public audience. At times, like when having a platform online was still a novelty and the adrenaline rush of Web 2.0-fueled activism took flight in the optimism of Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, blogging totally made sense. As a classroom experience, a blog assignment helped students find their digital identity through written expression. By finding their voice digitally, students found themselves.

But while this will still happen, and while I still see brilliant writing from my students, the era when the exigency of a blog assignment can be reliably vindicated by an authentic external audience has ended. It’s time for something else, which means it’s time to re-evaluate what blogs have been and what we have needed them for in order to find the best ways to meet those goals through other means. In this short presentation, I will offer several suggestions.

This is, however, an aspirational proposal. I’m writing this between semesters as I reflect on the Fall — where blog assignments didn’t always meet my goals or in some cases arguably undermined other goals for my class — and thinking ahead to the Spring — when I hope to implement some new assignments based on this recent conviction about the ineffectuality of blog assignments. Therefore, by June, my expectation is that I will have something new to report: either finding success with an entirely new set of assignments and corresponding tools, or returning to the familiar embrace of blog assignments with a renewed sense of their value.

Most likely, I’ll be somewhere in between, but my hunch is that different forms of discursive content creation will help students take control of their learning and find direction for their digital identities. Whatever I find in the coming semester, I’m confident that I’ll be ready to share some insight into the intents, purposes, and outcomes of inviting students to do intellectual work on the internet of 2019.

Gallery Five

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speaker: Jennifer Hill

There is a war a raging in our cyberworld and it is time for you to join the resistance. Cambridge Analytica stealing Facebook user’s data, white supremacists getting verified on Twitter, and child pornography on Instagram. The list of atrocities continues. We as technologists know the inner workings of social media platforms more than anybody. We see the hypocrisy and the evil of social media platforms in a way that most people do not. It is time for us to awaken from our passivity and take a stance against our corporate social media overlords. Weaponizing Your Website will give you ideas, or ammunition, to fight against our broken social media world. This bootcamp will include learning how to utilize the strongest weapons in your stockpile; your voice and your website. With me, Jenn Hill, a University of Mary Washington student, at the helm I will prepare you for taking up arms and battling the corporate social media tyrants.

Presentation Recording

Speakers: Zach Coble, Ashley Maynor

While many universities strive to offer the latest and greatest tech support and IT services to support innovation, at NYU, we’ve found that old school style web hosting fills an important need and service gap for digital pedagogy, digital humanities, and other forms of innovation and creativity on campus. Offered through the NYU Libraries, our simplified, down-to-earth service is easy to manage with a small team and integrates into a larger ecosystem of digital publishing services and support on campus. Come hear about our approach and the strengths and weaknesses we’ve encountered in our three years of offering the service.

Gallery Six

Film available for viewing here.

Speakers: sava saheli singh, Tim Maughan

Blaxites follows the story of a young woman whose celebratory social media post affects her access to vital medication. Her attempts to circumvent the system leads to even more dire consequences.

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speakers: Lee Skallerup Bessette, Randal Ellsworth

The mission of the new Master’s of Learning, Design, and Technology program at Georgetown University is “to give our students a deep foundation in the tools and theory of learning design, technology innovation, learning analytics, and higher education leadership, a foundation on which they can create engaging and innovative learning experiences for all students.” Working in and with Georgetown Domains is a key part of this engagement; the students learn about and create their domains during the opening week-long foundations course, and build on it throughout the duration of the degree, ending with a final portfolio on their domain of their work. In between, the students have the option of taking a one-credit course in Domains, as well as showcasing their coursework and projects on the site. For some, their personal Domains specifically and Georgetown Domains more generally have become the subject of their research and study. What this allows is for students to engage directly with the technology, as well as questions of accessibility, privacy, surveillance, and tools. They learn about and apply these lessons as they move through the program, perform and reflect on their research, and build their sites. But most importantly, this allows for students to own their own intellectual property, as well as provide the tools to apply what they have learned in a practical and holistic way. The e-portfolio requirement at the end of the degree highlights this commitment to students’ intellectual property as well as professionalization, while also providing an experimental and reflective space for students to connect their work. This short presentation will discuss curricular examples (Intro week, Domains course, Studio and Studio Capstone) of how Domains has been integrated into the program, sharing some student sites, projects, and portfolios.

Gallery 1, Main Gallery

Food will be provided in buffet style in Gallery 1, and attendees may eat in the Main Gallery.

Reclaim Hosting will share company updates, including their journey with the VPAT, the roadmap for a Domains 2.0, and more.

Main Gallery
Amy Collier

Brasil’s tropicalia movement was a revolutionary expression of resistance to authoritarianism and nationalism through art, music, and theater. In this talk, we’ll travel back in time to 1960s Brasil, quaking under a military dictatorship, to explore how the key goals of the tropicalia movement connected to the educational/pedagogical approaches of Paulo Freire. We’ll tap into songs from tropicalia’s greatest musicians (e.g., Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, and Os Mutantes, etc.) while diving into Paulo Freire’s writings. As we explore those connections, Amy Collier (whose heart still lives in her home country of Brasil), will draw us back to the present moment and point to how the tropicalia movement can be an inspiration for our digital work in higher education. “Seja marginal, seja heroi.” (Helio Oiticica)

More information can be found here.

Main Gallery, Gallery 3

Stand up and stretch your legs! Light snacks and coffee will be provided in Gallery 3.

Gallery Four

Presentation RecordingSlides

Speaker: John Berlin

This long presentation would take the form of a workshop, which will be partly a demonstration with brief optional interactive activities for attendees. More folks should know what web archiving is and how it can be used to support teaching and learning so in this workshop we’ll start by covering some fundamental concepts in web archiving including: defining terms, exploring main components of web archiving workflows and ethics of collecting, discussing how one can scope a web collection and how to share what’s collected. After the groundwork is laid we’ll begin creating collections with

Webrecorder ( is a free, easy to use, browser-based web archiving toolset provided by Rhizome. Rhizome, an affiliate of the New Museum in New York City, champions born-digital art and culture through commissions, exhibitions, digital preservation, and software development. Webrecorder’s development has been generously supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

With Webrecorder you can make high fidelity interactive captures of web content as you browse web pages. A “high fidelity capture” means that from a user’s perspective there is a complete or high level of similarity between the original web pages and the archived copies, including the retention of important characteristics and functionality such as: video or audio that requires a user to press ‘play’, or resources that require entry of login credentials for access (e.g. social media accounts). Webrecorder can capture most types of media files, JavaScript and user-triggered actions, which are things that most crawlers struggle with or are unable to obtain.

Workshop attendees will be given an overview of Webrecorder’s features, then have the option to engage in brief hands-on activities and discussions. Further instruction will alternate with opportunities for participants to use the tools introduced and share their thoughts or questions. Instructions on how to manage the collected materials, download them (as a WARC file), and open a local copy offline using Webrecorder Player will also be covered in this workshop.

Human scale web collecting, which entails capturing web pages one at a time ‘by hand’, with Webrecorder is not expected to meet all the requirements of every web archiving program but can satisfy many needs of researchers or smaller web collecting initiatives. Webrecorder can be a great tool for personal digital archiving projects as well. Larger web archiving programs can benefit from using Webrecorder to capture dynamic content and user-triggered behaviors on websites. The WARC files created with Webrecorder can be downloaded and ingested to join WARCs that have been created using crawler-based systems. WARCs created with other tools can also be uploaded into Webrecorder.

With Webrecorder anyone can get started with web archiving quickly at no cost, which is empowering both to teachers, students, information professionals and other stakeholders. Let’s learn how together we can make web archiving a more inclusive practice and use Webrecorder to meet the project’s mission to provide ‘Web Archiving for All!’

Gallery Five

Presentation Recording

Speaker: Andrew Millington

As an EdTech developer, do you ever get frustrated with the tools that are available to support your programming? Are you jealous that in most other domains, you can find a multitude of open source packages that all solve the same problem in a slightly different manner, yet you struggle to find one open source learning tool to support your particular use case?

Large open source software foundations provide popular learning tools such as Moodle and uPortal. These are well supported and actively developed but there seems to be a gulf between these large scale projects and volunteer led efforts within the educational sector.

All higher education institutions face similar problems but many develop custom solutions in isolation. The need for grass-roots, small scale, learning tools that are developed by volunteers with a common interest, and shared for the wider community to contribute to is not being satisfied.

This presentation examines the current state of open source development in the educational sector, comparing it to popular, volunteer led open source projects, to see if we can do things differently, take inspiration, and push the boundaries to provide better learning tools that serve the community and developers alike.

The presenter will discuss his experiences developing WebPA, an open source peer assessment tool, being lead maintainer for PHP’s most popular OAuth 2 server, and releasing an open source WordPress LTI connector for the University of Edinburgh.

Gallery Six

Presentation Recording

Speakers: Jeff Everhart, Tom Woodward,
Matt Roberts

Are you looking for low stakes ways to store and display data? Welp, here’s Google Sheets. Do you want to automate all of the boring parts of your job and sip a drink on a beach somewhere? Looks like you owe Google Sheets a beer. Have you ever wanted to build a lightweight full stack application without spinning up an orchestrated Docker container cluster running on AWS using Typescript that has 90% unit test coverage. Well, hold on to your hats, cause Google Sheets is about to hit 88 MPH while keeping your molecular structure intact.

At VCU’s ALT Lab, we’ve used Google Sheets to build educational experiences that range from novel, to complex, to entirely absurd. Brace yourself for temporal displacement and a little but of JavaScript.

Main Gallery

Thank you so much for your #Domains19 participation!

Tweeting about the Domains conference? Make sure to use the #DOMAINS19 hashtag.